Energize Your Mind

Esta es la portada del audiolibro Energize Your Mind

Escrito por

Dr. Larry Iverson

Narrado por

Dr. Larry Iverson




52m 30s

(1 calificaciones)

What if there was a sure-fire way you could feel more confident and powerful rapidly—would you be interested? Have you ever wanted to change a habit pattern but were just stuck? Would it be helpful to know how to build unshakable belief in yourself? Beginning today you can do all this and much more. Dr. Larry Iverson has successfully assisted thousands in this growth process over the last 30 years. These strategies can help you feel great while boosting your self-esteem and gaining greater self-confidence. How to break through barriers stopping you from feeling great that also keep you from living the life you want. Learn the essential ingredients required to build greater success. Know how to overcome discomfort and worry so you reach your goals easier. Gain methods for controlling your run-away brain. Learn how to trigger emotions that launch your energy, power and confidence.

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 52m 30s

Publicado por Made for Success