Greatest Secret, The

Esta es la portada del audiolibro Greatest Secret, The

Escrito por

Rhonda Byrne

Narrado por

Adam Lazarre-White Stephen Graybill Gary Furlong Rhonda Byrne William Burns Skye Byrne Shaan Baig Michele Karpel Bill Doyle Matthew Lloyd Davies Edoardo Ballerini Sunil Malhotra Manish Dongardive Shakti Caterina Maggi Peter Lawry Peter Dziuban Michael Beckwith Kalyani Lawry Jac O'Keeffe Francis Lucille David Bingham Rupert Spira Michael James Pamela Wilson Hale Dwoskin Antonia Bath Loch Kelly Mooji Sailor Bob Adamson




6h 20m 11s

(1 calificaciones)

Beloved bestselling author Rhonda Byrne launched a global phenomenon with the publication of The Secret in 2006. This life-altering work helped readers understand the untapped powers that reside within. But Rhonda’s journey was far from over as something inside her urged her to seek more wisdom. She spent fourteen years searching until she uncovered the universal truth contained in this audiobook. The Greatest Secret is a quantum leap that will take the listener beyond the material world and into the spiritual realm, where all possibilities exist. The teachings you will hear in this audiobook offer accessible practices that can be put to use immediately and profound revelations that will dissolve fears and uncertainty, anxiety and pain. Filled with revelatory words of spiritual teachers from around the world past and present – many of their voices appearing in this audiobook -- The Greatest Secret is a profound master work that offers listeners  everywhere a direct path to end suffering and to live a life of deep joy. “The Secret showed you how to create anything you want to be, do, or have. Nothing has changed - it is as true today as it ever was. This book reveals the greatest discovery a human being can ever make, and shows you the way out of negativity, problems, and what you don’t want, to a life of permanent happiness and bliss.” - From The Greatest Secret Featuring the voices of Rhonda Byrne, Sailor Bob Adamson, Michael Beckwith, David Bingham, Peter Dziuban, Hale Dwoskin, Michael James, Loch Kelly, Kalyani Lawry, Peter Lawry, Francis Lucille, Shakti Caterina Maggi, Mooji, Jac O’Keeffe, Rupert Spira and Pamela Wilson. Also featuring the words of Julian Barbour, Deepak Chopra, Anthony de Mello, Jan Frazier, Joel Goldsmith, Dr David R. Hawkins, Byron Katie, Krishna, J. Krishnamurti, Robert Lanza, Lao Tzu, Lester Levenson, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Max Planck, Rumi, Peter Russell, Eckhart Tolle, Alan Watts, and Paramahansa Yogananda. With the additional voices of Shaan Baig, Edoardo Ballerini, Antonia Bath, William Burns, Skye Byrne, Matthew Lloyd Davies, Manish Dongardive, Bill Doyle, Stephen Graybill, Gary Furlong, Michele Karpel, Adam Lazarre-White, and Sunil Malhotra. Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 6h 20m 11s

Publicado por HarperCollins