Escrito por
Sophie Fox Natasha Taylor
Narrado por
Sophie Fox
29m 28s
(0 calificaciones)
This ‘Obsessive Compulsive Disorder’ Guided Meditation & Hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who suffer from OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) comprises of two main parts: obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwelcome thoughts, urges, worries or doubts that repeatedly appear in your mind which can make you feel very anxious. Compulsions are repetitive activities that you do to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsession. It could be something like repeatedly checking a door is locked, repeating a specific phrase in your head or repeatedly washing hands. Your mind thinks it’s helping you to be less anxious by repeating rituals but ultimately it’s feeding the sensations. In this session we will use the rewind technique to teach your mind to disassociate from the learnt cognitive patterns that your brain has become accustomed to so you no longer feel the need to react in the same way. We recommend that you listen to our session at least four times so you can really compound the positive messaging, override the old beliefs and help your mind create new neural pathways to managing and controlling your OCD. Download the House of Wellbeing app for more audios.
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 29m 28s
Publicado por House of Wellbeing
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