Summary of Laura Lynne Jackson’s Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe

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Narrado por

Paul Bartlett




25m 48s

(0 calificaciones)

Buy now to get the insights from Laura Lynne Jackson’s Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe. Sample Key Takeaways:1) Your Teams of Light are on the Other Side, always working to get you towards your happiness. Teams of Light can be thought of as God energy, spirit guides, or guardian angels, and sometimes they are people we knew in previous lives or who died in our current lifetime.2) Your Teams of Light always send you signs and you are certainly receiving them, but you may not notice them. By learning to be in tune with these signs and spotting them, you begin to notice that guiding spirits are always with you.

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 25m 48s

Publicado por Falcon Press