Escrito por
Laura Warren
Narrado por
Angel Willis
3h 57m 39s
(0 calificaciones)
Do you find it hard to live the reality that surrounds us every day? Do you often feel like you cannot stop your thoughts and control your anxiety? Then you need to keep listening…Recently, JAMA Internal Medicine shared an analysis with the intention to show the evident positive effects of mindfulness meditation when used to reduce the signs of depression and anxiety. In this audiobook, you’ll discover:? How to achieve COMPLETE peace of mind with breath work and relaxation exercises. (With these guided sessions you will be able to remain calm during ANY situation, even during the most intense ones!)? The secret to free yourself from all unnecessary suffering and attain mindfulness of perception.? The way to discover all levels of reality through mind-blowing exercises.? Essential and must-known tips to master mindfulness meditation.? How to reach total self-awareness and understand better your real self with fifty-two mental formations.? The greatest answers given by experts to the most common questions about mindfulness meditation.? Life-changing practices to feel relief IN AN INSTANT from conditions like anxiety, depression, insomnia and more. (Discover how to unchain your inner strength and how to deal correctly with any illness or disorder!)Even if you’ve never been able to control your thoughts or complete one single guided meditation in the past, with this guide you will be able to develop your deepest inner strength to succeed at meditation, self-awareness to achieve peace of mind, and all the skills to break free from the unnecessary suffering of your life.With Mindfulness Meditation, you’ll recognize the triggers of your emotional pain and you’ll discover how to use all the tools you need to make peace with your reality once for all. If you want to access these soul-enriching tools and finally find relief from painful thoughts or past experiences, you should start listening to this audiobook today!
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 3h 57m 39s
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