Escrito por
Patrick King
Narrado por
Jeremy Reloj
2h 01m 47s
(3 calificaciones)
Create a bulletproof first impression and turn strangers into lasting relationships. Beat surface level small talk and truly connect. You've seen them - people who have the ability to walk into a room of strangers, instantly befriend everyone, and leave with 20 new contacts in their phone. What makes people open up, engage, and connect with them? They've mastered the first 60 seconds of any interaction. Learn the subtle signs people actually pay attention to. Connect Instantly is about breaking though the ice with anyone and setting the stage for friendships and relationships where there doesn't appear to be anything in common. The first 60 seconds make or break you and is the inspection you must always pass. You'll learn what people are really judging and evaluating you on when you first meet them and what makes them feel comfortable in the way they do with old friends. Network your way anywhere, anytime. This book is filled with examples, exact phrases to use, and illustrative exercises. It focuses on what to actually do when you find yourself meeting new people, what to say, and how to react and respond to them.
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 2h 01m 47s
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