Escrito por
Simone Milasas
Narrado por
Simone Milasas
6h 03m 09s
(41 calificaciones)
Simone Milasas was $187,000 in debt when she realized she needed to make a big change. With the help of the tools featured in this audiobook, she was totally out of debt within two years. Simone's point of view - No one should have a money problem. Are you ready to change your entire reality around money? What point of view do you have around money that if you changed it would create a different reality for you? What if you could have unlimited revenue streams? What if you can create money in ways no one else can? This audiobook will support you in creating massive amounts of change and invite you to create massive amounts of money. Getting Out of Debt Joyfully is the beginning of a totally different possibility. If you're looking for a quick fix to your money problems, this isn't it. If you're ready to change your entire financial reality, let's go. What is the worst thing that could happen? Your life stays the same? You start to create money? Your choice.
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 6h 03m 09s
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