Head Strong by Dave Asprey - Book Summary

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Dean Bokhari FlashBooks

Narrado por

Dean Bokhari




32m 49s

(1 calificaciones)

"Head Strong" by Dave Asprey : Book Summary by FlashBooksNOTE—THIS IS AN AUDIOBOOK SUMMARY OF THE FOLLOWING BOOK:Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster - in Just Two Weeks by Dave AspreyABOUT:Head Strong is a book written to be used as a 2-week program for boosting brain performance. In the book, author Dave Asprey takes a deep-dive into some of the latest findings from the world of neuroscience… All in an effort to teach us how to optimize that incredibly powerful, 3-pound force of nature known as your brain. Dave doesn’t just talk the talk though. He walks the walk as well. He’s got several years of extensive biohacking experience under his belt—most of which started with self-experimentation.But what exactly is “biohacking?” The principles of biohacking propose that it is possible to optimize your body’s performance by modifying such factors as diet, environment and behavior. And in Head Strong, Asprey covers everything from nutrition to environmental factors like light, air and temperature. He also goes into lifestyle elements like sleep, meditation and exercise. And if that weren’t enough, he also tackles common impediments to clear thinking, and touches on some exciting new discoveries that could further boost our mental capacities. More fundamentally, he explains that brain power and emotional poise are not predetermined characteristics. These things can be improved upon, regardless of age.Here’s what you’ll learn about in this summary:–Which foods to add to your diet and which ones to avoid to help your brain’s performance.–What changes to make to your environment and habits, specifically when it comes to light, air and temperature.–What benefits exercise, meditation and sleep provide and how to take advantage of them.-And much, much more...

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 32m 49s

Publicado por Flashbooks

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