Escrito por
Julia Arias
Narrado por
3h 21m 21s
(0 calificaciones)
HAVE YOU EVER FELT TRAPPED IN A RELATIONSHIP WHERE LOVE AND PAIN BLUR TOGETHER? Do you constantly question yourself, feeling anxious and afraid to take the next step for fear of making a mistake? For too many women and men, toxic relationships become a cycle that chips away at their self-worth, leaving them doubting their strength and value."HEALING FROM TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS" is the compassionate guide you need to reclaim your life and heal from the wounds left by toxic partners. This audiobook speaks directly to young people who have endured manipulation, gaslighting, or emotional neglect and are now searching for the courage to break free, rebuild, and move forward.You’ll discover:. How to Recognize Red Flags: Learn to see the warning signs before they become traps; . Narcissistic Control Tactics and Abuse; . The Power of Setting Boundaries; . Starting the Healing Process: Embrace practical steps to begin mending your emotional scar; . Rebuilding Self-Esteem; . The Importance of No Contact; . Moving On and Finding Healthy Relationships; With honest insights and heartfelt guidance, this guide empowers you to step out of the shadows of a damaging situation and into a future defined by strength, hope, and self-love. Healing isn’t just about leaving the past behind; it’s about embracing a version of yourself who knows her/his worth and demands it in every interaction.It’s time to stop feeling BROKEN and start feeling BRAVE. This audiobook will walk with you, guiding you toward peace and the kind of love that begins with yourself. GET YOUR COPY NOW.
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 3h 21m 21s
Publicado por Author's Republic
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