Know Yourself, Know Your Money

Esta es la portada del audiolibro Know Yourself, Know Your Money

Escrito por

Rachel Cruze

Narrado por

Rachel Cruze




6h 08m 16s

(1 calificaciones)

You DON’T have to white-knuckle your way toward financial freedom! This is NOT just another money book. Personal finance expert Rachel Cruze brings an all-new approach to the traditional money rules, and it all starts with your mindset. Go beyond the Ramsey Baby Steps and get to the root of all of your decisions—your mind, your behaviors, and your beliefs— so you can change your money mindset for good. You may already know how to make the right money decisions, BUT you probably still find yourself slipping into impulse purchases, dipping into savings, disagreeing on your budget with your spouse, and wondering “Why did I do that?!” If so, this book is for YOU. Rachel Cruze explains the psychology, strengths, and challenges that come with each of her brand-new Seven Money Tendencies: 1. Saver or Spender 2. Nerd or Free Spirit 3. Experiences or Things 4. Quality or Quantity 5. Safety or Status 6. Abundance or Scarcity 7. Planned Giving or Spontaneous Giving Along with discovering where you land on the scale of Seven Money Tendencies, this book also introduces new ways to understand how your parents, your fears, and your beliefs impact your money mindset. You’ll learn: Which of the Four Childhood Money Classrooms shaped your personality How the Six Core Money Fears can drive your most common money mistakes Why you handle money the way you do, and what to do about it You DON’T have to white-knuckle your way toward financial freedom. This book will show you how to make taking control of your money so much easier (and fun).

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 6h 08m 16s

Publicado por Ramsey Press

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