Escrito por
Herman Thomas
Narrado por
Marcus Mulenga
08m 51s
(6 calificaciones)
Start With Why: Discover the Secrets on How You Can Live a Life of Passion and Purpose It's important to remember that finding a compelling “Why” is essential if you want to achieve lasting success in everything you do in life, may it be in your personal or professional life. A strong Why inspires you to be enthusiastic, and an enthusiastic individual is more likely to remain that way for a longer period of time. A “Why” will keep you motivated to achieve your goals. But most people find it hard to determine their “why” and are just coasting through life without any real direction or purpose.In this audiobook, you will learn why it’s important to start with the question of “Why” in order to go far in life. You will learn how you can find your passion and purpose and so you can live your life with direction. This audiobook will cover the following topics:- The Concept of the Golden Circle- Finding Purpose in Life- Find Passion- And many more!When you know your life's purpose, you're more devoted to achieving your objectives. If you want to learn more, download your copy of this audiobook today!
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 08m 51s
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