Escrito por
Rachel Pollack Theresa Reed
Narrado por
Leslie Howard
8h 39m 56s
(1 calificaciones)
Most all tarot books present card-by-card interpretations as well as an instruction on how to read spreads. This book takes the next logical step inward by presenting the art of reading in a workbook format and helps you learn to interpret the cards intuitively. The book falls into two parts. The first part concerns learning about the cards and includes exercises for each card that teaches you to trust your interpretation of the card. The second part helps you develop that ability, a skill that Reed calls “intuition.” All the exercises, stories, card meanings, and techniques really serve one purpose: to go beyond learning Tarot to living it. It’s not enough to memorize the meanings of the cards, and you can’t do a reading with a workbook at your side forever. In order to deliver a meaningful, accurate tarot reading, you need to hone your intuition. Without a comfortable connection to your sixth sense, tarot readings lack finesse and become nothing more than cookie-cutter interpretations. When you’re fluent in your intuition, you can develop better readings and unique interpretations for each person.
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 8h 39m 56s
Publicado por Dreamscape Media
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