Escrito por
Brian Tracy
Narrado por
Michael Tracy
4h 15m 45s
(1 calificaciones)
Master the Art of Motivation!The idea of being successful is an attractive dream that fills us with positive emotions. However, the actions required to be successful at work, in our relationships, in sports competition, are often difficult and lengthy. Therefore, even though we want to be successful, happy and influential. very few of us take the specific actions that will actually move us directly toward those goals.So what do we need to bridge the gap between what we say we want, and what we must do to achieve it? We need goal-oriented motivation. The specific kind of motivation that is the fuel which can take us across the long and often uncertain bridge to our desired destination in life.Brian Tracy can show you how to develop this kind of motivation on-demand, sustain it through the difficult periods of life, and instill this motivation so intricately into your daily life that you make the very idea of motivation unnecessary. That’s when you become UNSTOPPABLE!
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 4h 15m 45s
Publicado por G&D Media
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