Escrito por
Mattias Sutter
Narrado por
William Paul Williams
5h 15m 56s
(0 calificaciones)
DISCOVER WHAT MAKES YOUR COLLEAGUES TICK AS YOU IMPROVE YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS AND PRODUCTIVITY WITH INSIGHTS FROM BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICSEvery leader should know the surprising research and strange conclusions of behavioral economics--for fairness, teamwork and productivityBehavioral Economics for Leaders: Research-Based Insights on the Weird, Irrational, and Wonderful Ways Humans Navigate the Workplace is an accessible and unique approach to implementing the many lessons of behavioral economics in your own leadership strategy. You’ll explore how and why your team members often don’t make rational decisions ― and why that can be a good thing. Filled with surprising insights and based on solid economic research, the book summarizes the implications of behavioral economics for real-world leadership. You’ll learn what makes people tick in the office, how they react to incentives, and what that means for the ways in which we work―or fail to work―together.The author also shares how to start your own career off on the right track, move up the ladder faster, and effectively strategize about how to meet your own particular career goals.An essential guide to the timeless wisdom of behavioral economics as it applies to organizational leadership, Behavioral Economics for Leaders will be your ace-in-the-hole for improving the way you navigate the world of work and lead people within it.
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 5h 15m 56s
Publicado por G&D Media
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